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How to find the best fencing specialists for your home.

When it comes to owning a home, sometimes you just want to have as much privacy as you can. This is why it’s good to build a sturdy and durable fence around your yard. Especially if you’re someone who loves animals like dogs, you’ll want to be certain that they know their boundaries when they’re outside.

We don’t always want everyone just looking into our yard when we’re having those fun summer BBQ’s, or the kids are playing in the pool. Fencing can help us feel more secure in our own homes. Which is why when you’re looking for someone to either install a new fence, or repair the one you already have, there are some key things to be looking for. Choosing the best fencing specialist for your home is important, so we asked some of our highest rated and reviewed fencing specialists on ClickATrades to find out just what you should be looking for:

  • Be sure to do the research first on what you want.
  • Ensure the tradesmen you hire is a fencing specialists, not a general handyman.
  • Get detailed quotes.
  • Ask what materials they will be using
Let’s look a little more at each of these and help you find the best fencing specialists for your home.

Be sure to do the research first

It’s important that you take the time before meeting with any potential tradesmen, that you research the types of fencing that are typically used for homes in the UK. Not only will you be able to know, then, what the specialist is talking about when they come to give you a quote, but you’ll also have a better idea of exactly what it is you want for your home. 

Ensure the tradesmen you hire is a fencing specialist

When it comes to fencing, it’s good to note that the jobs are always different. No two are the same. This is because no two homes or yards are the same, and the terrain changes all throughout the UK. Not only that, but the types of fencing and materials used are different.

This is why it’s crucial to be sure that you’re not hiring a general handyman to build and install your fencing. Be sure that you’re meeting with only fencing specialists for any fencing work needed on your home. Have a look at their previous work to find out if it matches up with the type of fencing you’re looking for. Can they actually do the job you need? Does their previous work look to be of the high quality you’re wanting? Ask to see photos or a portfolio of their previous work.

Ensure that the specialist you hire for the fencing work on your home isn’t just specialized in one type of fencing. The more they know, the faster they’re able to work through any snags or issues that may come up during the process.

Get detailed quotes

Meeting with fencing specialists means you’ll want to also be sure you’re getting thoroughly detailed quotes from each of them. We here at ClickATrades recommend that you meet with and get quotes from at least a minimum of three different fencing specialists.

Be sure that you review the quotes side by side to see where they differ and why. Look for areas you think they may be cutting corners or undercharging. If they’re undercharging to win the bid, it means you can count on the fact they will attempt to make up the costs somewhere else on the job. Are they subcontracting out any part of the fencing work for your home? What is included in the actual work? Are they responsible for the removal of any demo materials?

What materials will they be using?

When you’re meeting with potential tradesmen for any fencing work needed for you home, be certain that you find out about what materials they’ll be using. Also, ask about their policy on materials. Will they be providing all of the materials needed for the job, or are they willing to work with some materials you’ve already purchased?

Find out what they’re going to do with the old fencing when the job is done as well.

These are some of the more important things to keep in mind and be looking for when you’re meeting with potential fencing specialists for fencing work on your home.